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What is open on-campus?

Access to campus facilities during Fall 2020 is still being determined.

Whom can I call if I need assistance?

  • If there is an emergency and need immediate help, please call University Police at 909-869-3070.
  • If you need non-urgent assistance (questions, concerns, etc.), please contact the University Village Front Office at 909-869-4242 during business hours or call the RA assigned to your building or the RAs on duty at 909-762-8286 after hours and on weekends.

What if I need special accommodations?

Please reach out to the University Village Front Office if you need special accommodations.

Can I change roommates, rooms, or buildings during the semester? What are my options if I am asked to move?

Assignment changes will be limited only to those considered critical by University Village staff including but not limited to conduct/discipline, maintenance, and/or irreconcilable roommate differences after conflict resolution efforts have been tried.

Residents must follow temporary or permanent reassignment at the direction of University Village staff, including compliance with any directions for quarantine or isolation.

Is the University Police Department still working?

Yes, the University Police Department (UPD) is considered an essential business and works 24 hours a day, year-round. UPD can be contacted at 909-869-3070.